Different types of rosaries have been used throughout history and in many cultures. Shamans, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Wiccans (witches), and other Pagan religions used them, and still do today. By no means is the rosary a biblical concept, but sad to say, rosaries are even sometimes used by some who claim to follow Jesus Christ: Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Episcopalians, and even some Lutherans and Methodists. But this article will deal specifically with the Catholic rosary.
The word “rosary” comes from the Latin term “rosarium,” meaning “rose garden,” and later came to mean “garland of roses.” The traditional Catholic rosary is a stringed loop of different-sized beads (each bead representing a particular prayer) with a crucifix (cross) on the end. The beads are used to keep track of the number of prayers said during the many repetitions. Rosaries are not only used to make supplication (prayer requests), but are also supposedly an aid to “contemplative prayer.” They are sometimes worn around the neck, and can often be seen hanging from a vehicle’s rearview mirror.
The first, and greatest, problem with the Catholic rosary is its frequent repetition of the “Hail Mary” prayer. It is a fact that this rosary is dedicated to the veneration of the “Virgin Mary.” The 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church says:
The liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God and Marian prayer, such as the rosary, an "epitome of the whole Gospel," express this devotion to the Virgin Mary. (CCC #971)
If there is any doubt as to the purpose of the Catholic rosary, and its devotion to Mary, read the following quotes from “Rosarium Virginis Mariae,” an official “apostolic” letter on the rosary, written by former Pope John Paul II:
…With the Rosary, the Christian people sit at the school of Mary... Through the Rosary the faithful receive abundant grace, as though from the very hands of the Mother of the Redeemer… In the recitation of the Rosary, the Christian community enters into contact with the memories and the contemplative gaze of Mary… In this process of being conformed to Christ in the Rosary, we entrust ourselves in a special way to the maternal care of the Blessed Virgin... Never as in the Rosary do the life of Jesus and that of Mary appear so deeply joined… The Rosary is both meditation and supplication. Insistent prayer to the Mother of God is based on confidence that her maternal intercession can obtain all things from the heart of her Son… The Rosary is at the service of this ideal; it offers the “secret” which leads easily to a profound and inward knowledge of Christ. We might call it Mary's way… To pray the Rosary is to hand over our burdens to the merciful hearts of Christ and his Mother…
This is totally unscriptural, and should be deeply disturbing to every true, God-fearing Christian. Nowhere, in all of Scripture, are we encouraged to pray to ANYONE other than God. Prayer to anyone else is nothing short of idolatry. The Psalmist said of God, “Whom have I in heaven BUT THEE? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. (Psalm 73:25) This point, alone, should cause every Catholic to put away his rosary and leave the Catholic Church.
Furthermore, the great majority of the rosary’s prayers are “Hail Mary’s,” (which request her “help”). But the Catholic Church has given Mary a role that Scripture does not give her. The Bible nowhere tells us of Mary, or anyone else, who intercedes for us from Heaven, with the exception of Jesus Christ, Himself (Romans 8:34). We are never told that Mary prays for us, and the Bible will never encourage us to pray to her. Let us remember that the Lord God is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5; 34:14; Deuteronomy 6:15).
Another prayer that is recited in the rosary is the “Lord’s Prayer” (or the “Our Father”). Catholics will often be quick to point out that this prayer is found in the Bible (Matthew 6:9-13). Although it is in the Bible, it was never meant to be used as a specific FORMULA (a fixed, mechanical prayer to be repeated over and over), but rather, as an outline, a guide, as an example of how to pray.
But, because of its specific number of repetitions, reciting the rosary more closely resembles some sort of self-hypnosis technique, or the casting of a spell, rather than any prayer request found in the Bible. Using the rosary is worship that is reduced to a formula, which is not true worship of God at all. (John 4:23-24)
We mentioned that the rosary is a string of beads used to help keep track of the number of prayers that one says while reciting it. But this raises some important questions: Why would anyone need to keep track of the number of prayers said? What happens if someone says “too few” or “too many” prayers while reciting the rosary? Why is the number of repetitions even an object of consideration? Does the number of prayers matter, as in some sort of magical formula or spell? If the number doesn’t really matter, then why use the rosary at all? The truth is, the counting of prayers is a PAGAN practice.
Jesus said: “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” (Matthew 6:7)
Some will consider this verse to be a condemnation of the rosary, and it may well be, but there is debate over what the Greek word “battalogeo” actually means. While the King James Version says “use not vain repetitions,” some Bible versions say “do not keep on babbling” or “do not heap up empty phrases.” Unfortunately, the Lord Jesus gave us no specific examples of this type of praying, so the debate remains. Now, not all repetition in prayer is bad, but we see no one in the New Testament using pre-fabricated, mechanical prayers, much less in continuous repetition.
However, a Catholic may say that he is simply being “persistent in prayer” when praying the rosary. But using multiple repetitions of prescribed, fixed prayers is NOT the same as biblical persistence in prayer. In the Bible, persistence is simply “not losing heart / not fainting,” but trusting God and continuing in faith, even when we don’t see the answer. (Luke 18:1-8)
We need to remember that Christianity is based on a RELATIONSHIP with God. Constant repetition of the same pre-packaged, mechanical “prayers” does nothing to nurture a true relationship. As parents, would we want our own children to ask us for something by using a fixed number of repetitive requests? Of course not. So, why should anyone think that God would respond to such prayer?
While the Catechism of the Catholic Church claims that the rosary is a Christian concept (CCC #2708, #1674), we must realize that:
1) The concept of the rosary is totally absent from the Scriptures
2) Tradition tells us that the Catholic rosary did not come along until about 1200 A.D.
3) Rosaries have been used by pagans long before Christianity began.
Interestingly, in “Rosarium Virginis Mariae,” (mentioned above) the pope links the rosary with a prayer “rhythm” (paragraph 12), with prayer repetitions (paragraph 26), and with the “rhythm of breathing” (paragraph 27). Taken together, these concepts tie in with the OCCULT, and can be found within the schools of Transcendental Meditation (TM), Yoga, and Wicca (Witchcraft), in which an altered state of consciousness can be obtained. But the Bible warns us against such activity (Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Leviticus 19:26, 31; 20:6, 27).
On the one hand, the Catholic Church condemns occult activity (CCC #2116, #2117), and yet, on the other hand, it encourages the use of occultic concepts in using the rosary. This would be like a dad telling his teenage son that he must totally abstain from sexual activity, but then turn around and give him condoms. Why does the Catholic Church forbid its people to engage in something, but then give them the tools and the encouragement to do that very thing?
In the above-mentioned letter by Pope John Paul II, the rosary is considered a tool for unity, and is called “an aid…to ecumenism.” The rosary is one of the things that the Catholic Church and many pagan religions have in common, so it is very likely that the rosary will play a significant role in the end-time Ecumenical Movement. This movement (spearheaded by the Roman Catholic Church) is an attempt to draw all the religions of the world together in the name of “peace.” But this is a totally unbiblical “unity”, and the beginning of the one-world church that the Bible describes in Revelation 13.
The problems associated with the rosary cancel out any Catholic claims of “benefits” for the one who would pray the rosary. Bottom line: Christians should have nothing to do with any kind of rosary… Catholic, Protestant, or otherwise.
Russell, i was also raised catholic and then fell away. I decided that as i could trust Jesus with anything i asked Him if it is ok to have a devotion to Mary and to pick up the rosary that He would keep the devil away from misleading me or if it was true to lead me to a safe true devotion to Mary, I am now back in the Catholic church and have a clearer understanding of her role in salvation history. She is important and if you are telling me i am wrong then you are telling Jesus He is wrong because He answered my prayer. Ask Jesus Himself to guide you and to introduce His Mother to you if it is important to you. Mary is Gods creation, do not grieve the Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteHello Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing and for sharing your story with us. I say this with all sincerity.
There are times in life that we really want to (and need to) know God’s will. Sometimes we are desperate and will accept almost anything that seems to “come from God.” I can respect that. I have been in that situation many times.
But when we approach this Holy God, we must do so on HIS terms. He already knows where we are and what we need. He’s waiting for us to humbly submit to Him. But again, this submitting must be done on HIS terms. God gives us principles to live by in His Word, and those principles cannot be violated.
You should never accept a “sign” that goes against His Word. A sign or an “answered prayer” which confirms a teaching that is AGAINST the Bible’s principles (like the rosary), is not from God.
For example (and this is just an example), if a person wants to validate a life of prostitution, theft, or murder, and decides to “pray about it” to “make sure” if it is really God’s will, and that prayer seems to have been “answered”… then this person is ripe for deception.
You cannot ask God to keep the devil away while doing something against God’s will. You cannot pray for “His leading” when you are not willing to follow clear and simple biblical principles that He has already laid down. My friend, please don’t just trust in your experiences, UNLESS they line up with Scripture.
I am truly glad that you don’t want to be misled. No one should want that, and I wish that everyone was eager to know His will. But praying the rosary, as the article indicated, does not line up with His Word.
I certainly am not “against” Mary. I recognize the biblical description of her as a godly and humble servant. But PRAYER to her is simply not scriptural, since prayer in Scripture is always an act of worship.
I agree with you when you say that we can trust Jesus. But we need to trust Him according to His Word. And we need to make sure our desires and prayers line up with it, as well. Otherwise, we certainly CAN grieve the Holy Spirit.
I can't believed that you are saying the Rosary is not from God, when in fact Jesus gave to us His mother. If you say I'm not against Mary and I recognize her biblical description then you should believe in the Rosary, because the Mary is the Rosary a gift from God, our Lord Jesus Christ and praying the Rosary is scriptural.
ReplyDeleteHello Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments. I do appreciate your concern for wanting to do the right thing and wanting to do what is scriptural. That’s a giant step in the right direction.
I, like you seem to be, am also concerned for souls. Please, just for a minute, let’s put aside the emotion that normally accompanies this topic. Passion for the right thing is good, but it can sometimes cloud the issues. So, let’s look at this as rationally as possible, please.
You believe that the rosary is a gift from God. If it REALLY is, then I want it also. But I need more proof than just passion and emotion, which is the only “evidence” that I’ve seen from Catholics who try to defend the rosary. If I can see biblical proof of the rosary, then count me in. But, my friend, I see no scriptural evidence for it at all… in fact, I see evidence AGAINST it, instead. So, I just can’t see this as a gift from God.
So, please help me out. If it is, indeed, a biblical teaching, then please show me where it can be found. Please use Scripture and logic, with as little emotion and subjective feelings as possible.
Once again, I thank you for your (apparent) concern for biblical truth, and I’ll be waiting for your reply.
Hi Russell,
ReplyDeleteI am gonna refute you this time! I see that you need "PROOF" that the Rosary is biblical. Well, here it is! Matthew 26:44 and the parallel passage Mark 14:39. "And He left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, SAYING THE SAME WORDS." That is a perfect example of a repetitive prayer. Also, praying the Rosary is NOT a "vain" repetition. (See Psalm 136)!!! So, people like you and Jesse have NO CASE AGAINST US CATHOLICS AGAIN!!!
Are we therefore your enemies because we tell you the truth?
Hello again Jonathon,
ReplyDeleteI *specifically* said in the article above that not all repetition in prayer is bad. But those passages you quote are a far cry from the use of a pagan object like the rosary during prayer. Furthermore, the passages have nothing whatsoever to do with praying to anyone other than God, as is done with the rosary.